Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shapes at the Animal Fair

I looked for some shapes at the animal fair,
And I found lots of triangles most ev'rywhere.
A triangle nose was just right for a cat,
And so were the triangle wings of the bat.

A cow had one smack on the snout of her face,
And a Dachshund pup had them all over
the place.
The Dalmatian had two: one her eye, one her ear,
And the mantis' whole head was one, when I got near.

When the triangle-armed kangaroo made me stare,
I thought it was time that I looked for a square.

So I ran and I searched 'til my face was all red,
But I found just one dog with a square for a head.

Two circles I
found-- then my car, if you please.

Like the round dog and cat I cu
rled up for some zeez.

Thank you to this photographer for the cow with the triangle on its snout, to this photographer for the cat with the triangle nose,, to this photographer for the dog curled up into a circle, to this photographer for the square-headed dog, to this photographer for Gina the dachshund of many triangles, to this photographer for the triangular kangaroo, to this photographer for the cat curled up into a circle, to this photographer for the triangular mantis, to this photographer for the bat and to this photographer for the sleeper on the blue car. My apologies to the photographer of the beautiful dalmation, whose credits I could not locate again after they were deleted by the blog program. Poem by Donnell Allan.

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